
The following implementations and documentation closely follow the work of Tim Leung: Tim Leung and Xin Li Optimal Mean reversion Trading: Mathematical Analysis and Practical Applications.

Trading Under the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Model


Alongside with Leung’s research we are using \(\theta\) for mean and \(\mu\) for mean-reversion speed, while other sources e.g. Wikipedia, use \(\theta\) for mean reversion speed and \(\mu\) for mean.

Model fitting


We are solving the optimal stopping problem for a mean-reverting portfolio that is constructed by holding \(\alpha = \frac{A}{S_0^{(1)}}\) of a risky asset \(S^{(1)}\) and shorting \(\beta = \frac{B}{S_0^{(2)}}\) of another risky asset \(S^{(2)}\), yielding a portfolio value:

\[X_t^{\alpha,\beta} = \alpha S^{(1)} - \beta S^{(2)}, t \geq 0\]

Since in terms of mean-reversion we care only about the ratio between \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\), without the loss of generality we can set \(\alpha = const\) and A = $1, while varying \(\beta\) to find the optimal strategy \((\alpha,\beta^*)\)

We establish Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process driven by the SDE:

\begin{gather*} dX_t = \mu(\theta - X_t)dt + \sigma dB_t,\\ \mu, \sigma > 0,\\ \theta \in \mathbb{R},\\ B\ -\text{a standard Brownian motion} \end{gather*}
  • \(\theta\) βˆ’ long term mean level, all future trajectories of 𝑋 will evolve around a mean level πœƒ in the long run.

  • \(\mu\) - speed of reversion, characterizes the velocity at which such trajectories will regroup around \(\theta\) in time.

  • \(\sigma\) - instantaneous volatility, measures instant by instant the amplitude of randomness entering the system. Higher values imply more randomness.

Under the OU model the probability density function of \(X_t\) with increment \(\Delta t = t_i - t_{i-1}\) is:

\begin{gather*} f^{OU} (x_i|x_{i-1};\theta,\mu,\sigma) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\tilde{\sigma}^2}} exp(-\frac{(x_i - x_{i-1} e^{-\mu\Delta t} - \theta (1 - e^{-\mu \Delta t})^2)} {2 \tilde{\sigma}^2}),\\ \text{with the constant } \tilde{\sigma}^2 = \sigma^2 \frac{1 - e^{-2\mu\Delta t}}{2\mu} \end{gather*}


The following algorithms are devised and best suited for the data frequencies ranging from yearly to daily. Usage of the intraday data is theoretically possible, but as the value of time increment \(\Delta t\) becomes closer to zero, it might lead to divergence in the optimization process.

We observe the resulting portfolio values \((x_i^\beta)_{i = 0,1,\cdots,n}\) for every strategy \(\beta\) realized over an n-day period. To fit the model to our data and find optimal parameters we define the average log-likelihood function:

\begin{gather*} \ell (\theta,\mu,\sigma|x_0^{\alpha\beta},x_1^{\alpha\beta},\cdots,x_n^{\alpha\beta}) := \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n} ln f^{OU}(x_i|x_{i-1};\theta,\mu,\sigma)\\ = -\frac{1}{2} ln(2 \pi) - ln(\tilde{\sigma}) - \frac{1}{2\pi\tilde{\sigma}^2}\sum_{i=1}^{n} [x_i^{\alpha\beta} - x_{i-1}^{\alpha\beta} e^{-\mu \Delta t} - \theta (1 - e^{-\mu \Delta t})]^2 \end{gather*}

Then, maximizing the log-likelihood function by applying maximum likelihood estimation(MLE) we are able to determine the parameters of the model and fit the observed portfolio prices to an OU process. Let’s denote the maximized average log-likelihood by \(\hat{\ell}(\theta^*,\mu^*,\sigma^*)\). Then for every \(\alpha\) we choose \(\beta^*\), where:

\[\beta^* = \underset{\beta}{\arg\max}\ \hat{\ell}(\theta^*,\mu^*,\sigma^*|x_0^{\alpha\beta},x_1^{\alpha\beta},\cdots, x_n^{\alpha\beta})\]

Optimal Timing of Trades

Suppose the investor already has a position with a value process \((X_t)_{t>0}\) that follows the OU process. When the investor closes his position at the time \(\tau\) he receives the value \((X_{\tau})\) and pays a constant transaction cost \(c_s \in \mathbb{R}\) To maximize the expected discounted value we need to solve the optimal stopping problem:

\[V(x) = \underset{\tau \in T}{\sup} \mathbb{E}_x({e^{-r \tau} (X_{\tau} - c_s)| X_0 = x})\]

where \(T\) denotes the set of all possible stopping times and \(r > 0\) is our subjective constant discount rate. \(V(x)\) represents the expected liquidation value accounted with X.

Current price plus transaction cost constitute the cost of entering the trade and in combination with \(V(x)\) we can formalize the optimal entry problem:

\[J(x) = \underset{\nu \in T}{\sup} \mathbb{E}_x({e^{-\hat{r} \tau} (V(X_{\nu}) - X_{\nu} - c_b)| X_0 = x})\]


\[\hat{r}>0,\ c_b \in \mathbb{R}\]

To sum up this problem, we, as an investor, want to maximize the expected difference between the current price of the position - \(x_{\nu}\) and its’ expected liquidation value \(V(X_{\nu})\) minus transaction cost \(c_b\)


Following part of the chapter presents the analytical solution for the optimal stopping problem, both the default version and the version with the inclusion of the stop-loss level.

To solve this problem we denote the OU process infinitesimal generator:

\[L = \frac{\sigma^2}{2} \frac{d^2}{dx^2} + \mu(\theta - x) \frac{d}{dx}\]

and recall the classical solution of the differential equation

\[L u(x) = ru(x)\]
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}F(x) = \int_{0}^{\infty} u^{ \frac{r}{\mu} - 1} e^{\sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{\sigma^2}}(x - \theta)u - \frac{u^2}{2}}du\\G(x) = \int_{0}^{\infty} u^{\frac{r}{\mu} - 1} e^{\sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{\sigma^2}} (\theta - x)u - \frac{u^2}{2}}du\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Then we are able to formulate the following theorems

(proven in Optimal Mean reversion Trading: Mathematical Analysis and Practical Applications by Tim Leung and Xin Li) to provide the solutions to following problems:

Default optimal stopping problem

Theorem 2.6 (p.23):

The optimal liquidation problem admits the solution:

\begin{gather*} V(x) = \begin{cases} (b^* - c_s) \frac{F(x)}{F(b^*)} , & \mbox{if } x \in (-\infty,b^*)\\ \\ x - c_s, & \mbox{ otherwise} \end{cases}\\ \end{gather*}

The optimal liquidation level \(b^*\) is found from the equation:

\[\begin{split}F(b) - (b - c_s)F'(b) = 0\\\end{split}\]

Corresponding optimal liquidation time is given by

\[\tau^* = inf [t\geq0:X_t \geq b^*]\]

Theorem 2.10 (p.27):

The optimal entry timing problem admits the solution:

\begin{gather*} J(x) = \begin{cases} V(x) - x - c_b, & \mbox{if } x \in (-\infty,d^*)\\ \\ \frac{V(d^*) - d^* - c_b}{\hat{G}(d^*)}, & \mbox{if } x \in (d^*, \infty) \end{cases} \end{gather*}

The optimal entry level \(d^*\) is found from the equation:

\[\hat{G}(d)(V'(d) - 1) - \hat{G}'(d)(V(d) - d - c_b) = 0\]

Where β€œ\(\hat{\ }\)” represents the use of transaction cost and discount rate of entering.

Optimal stopping problem with stop-loss

When we include the stop-loss in our optimal stopping problems the theorems we use to find the solution are:

Theorem 2.13 (p.31):

The optimal liquidation problem admits the solution:

\begin{gather*} V(x) = \begin{cases} C F(x)+D G(x) , & \mbox{if } x \in (-\infty,b^*)\\ \\ x - c_s, & \mbox{ otherwise} \end{cases} \end{gather*}

The optimal liquidation level \(b_L^*\) is found from the equation:

\begin{gather*} F'(b) [(L - c_s) G(b) - (b - c_s) G(L)]\\ + G'(b) [(b - c_s) F(L) - (L - c_s) F(b)]\\ - G(b) F(L) - G(L)F(b) = 0\\ \end{gather*}

Corresponding optimal liquidation time is given by

\[\tau^* = inf [t\geq0:X_t \geq b^*]\]

Helper functions C and D defined as following:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}C = \frac{(b_L^* - c_s) G(L) - ( L - c_s) G(b^*)}{F(b_L^*)G(L) - F(L)G(b_L^*)}\\D = \frac{(L - c_s) F(L) - ( b_L^* - c_s) F(b^*)}{F(b_L^*)G(L) - F(L)G(b_L^*)}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Theorem 2.42 (p.35):

The optimal entry timing problem admits the solution:

\begin{gather*} J_L(x) = \begin{cases} P\hat{F}(x), & \mbox{if } x \in (-\infty,a_L^*)\\ \\ V_L(x) - x - c_b, & \mbox{if } x \in (a_L^*, d_L^*)\\ \\ Q\hat{G}(x), & \mbox{if } x \in (d_L^*, \infty)\end{cases}\\ \end{gather*}

The optimal entry interval \((a_L^*,d_L^*)\) is found using the respective equations:

\begin{gather*} \hat{G}(d)(V_L'(d) - 1) - \hat{G}'(d)(V_L(d) - d - c_b) = 0\\ \hat{F}(a)(V_L'(a) - 1) - \hat{F}'(a)(V_L(a) - a - c_b) = 0 \end{gather*}

How to use this submodule

This module gives you the ability to calculate optimal values of entering and liquidating the position for your portfolio. The whole process takes only 2 steps.

Step 1: Model fitting

In this step we need to use fit function to fit OU model to our training data and set the constant parameters like transaction costs, discount rates, stop-loss level and data frequency. You have a choice not to set the stop-loss level at the beginning, but it will deny access to the functions that use the stop-loss level. To access them you just need to set the parameter self.L. Also there is a possibility to not use the whole provided training sample, limiting it to a time interval of your choice with start and end parameters.

That option can be used if you provide a pandas DataFrame as an input data with Datetime-type indices. You can also use an np.array of two time series of asset prices, and the optimal portfolio will be constructed by the function itself, or use your own portfolio values as an input data.


class OrnsteinUhlenbeck

This class implements the algorithm for solving the optimal stopping problem in markets with mean-reverting tendencies based on the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model mentioned in the following publication:’Tim Leung and Xin Li Optimal Mean reversion Trading: Mathematical Analysis and Practical Applications(November 26, 2015)’ <>`_

Constructing a portfolio with mean-reverting properties is usually attempted by simultaneously taking a position in two highly correlated or co-moving assets and is labeled as β€œpairs trading”. One of the most important problems faced by investors is to determine when to open and close a position.

To find the liquidation and entry price levels we formulate an optimal double-stopping problem that gives the optimal entry and exit level rules. Also, a stop-loss constraint is incorporated into this trading problem and solutions are also provided by this module.

__init__(), data_frequency, discount_rate, transaction_cost, start=None, end=None, stop_loss=None)

Fits the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model to given data and assigns the discount rates, transaction costs and stop-loss level for further exit or entry-level calculation.

  • data – (np.array/pd.DataFrame) An array with time series of portfolio prices / An array with time series of of two assets prices. The dimensions should be either nx1 or nx2.

  • data_frequency – (str) Data frequency [β€œD” - daily, β€œM” - monthly, β€œY” - yearly].

  • discount_rate – (float/tuple) A discount rate either for both entry and exit time or a list/tuple of discount rates with exit rate and entry rate in respective order.

  • transaction_cost – (float/tuple) A transaction cost either for both entry and exit time or a list/tuple of transaction costs with exit cost and entry cost in respective order.

  • start – (Datetime) A date from which you want your training data to start.

  • end – (Datetime) A date at which you want your training data to end.

  • stop_loss – (float/int) A stop-loss level - the position is assumed to be closed immediately upon reaching this pre-defined price level.


To retrain the model just use one of the functions fit_to_portfolio or fit_to_assets. You have a choice either to use the new dataset or to change the training time interval of your currently used dataset.

OrnsteinUhlenbeck.fit_to_portfolio(data=None, start=None, end=None)

Fits the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model to time series for portfolio prices.

  • data – (np.array) All given prices of two assets to construct a portfolio from.

  • start – (Datetime) A date from which you want your training data to start.

  • end – (Datetime) A date at which you want your training data to end.

OrnsteinUhlenbeck.fit_to_assets(data=None, start=None, end=None)

Creates the optimal portfolio in terms of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model from two given time series for asset prices and fits the values of the model’s parameters. (p.13)

  • data – (np.array) All given prices of two assets to construct a portfolio from.

  • start – (Datetime) A date from which you want your training data to start.

  • end – (Datetime) A date at which you want your training data to end.

It is important to understand how good of a fit your data is compared to a simulated process with the same parameters. To check we can use check_fit function that shows the optimal parameter values obtained by fitting the OU model to our data and from the OU model simulated using our fitted parameters.


Shows the parameters of the OU model fitted to the data and parameters achieved from the simulated process with the fitted coefficients for further assessment. The main incentive is to have simulated max log-likelihood (mll) function close to a fitted one. If the simulated mll is much greater it means that data provided to the model is not good enough to be modeled by an OU process.

Note: The check can occasionally return numbers significantly different from the fitted mll due to the random nature of the simulated process and the possibility of outliers. It is advised to perform the check multiple times and if it’s consistently showing very different values of mll you might suspect the unsuitability of your data.


(pd.Dataframe) Values for fitted and simulated OU model parameters



If you are interested in data generation you can create OU process simulations using the ou_model_simulation function. The parameters used for the model can be either the fitted parameters to your data or you can set all of them for yourself.

OrnsteinUhlenbeck.ou_model_simulation(n, theta_given=None, mu_given=None, sigma_given=None, delta_t_given=None)

Simulates values of an OU process with given parameters or parameters fitted to our data

  • n – (int) Number of simulated values.

  • theta_given – (float) Long-term mean.

  • mu_given – (float) Mean revesion speed.

  • sigma_given – (float) The amplitude of randomness in the system.

  • delta_t_given – (float) Delta between observations, calculated in years.


(np.array) simulated portfolio prices.

Since the half-life of the OU process parameter is widely used in various researches, the module has a function for calculating its value.


Returns the half-life of the fitted OU process. Half-life stands for the average time that it takes for the process to revert to its long term mean on a half of its initial deviation.


(float) Half-life of the fitted OU process

Step 2: Determining the optimal entry and exit values

To get the optimal liquidation or entry level for your data we need to call one of the functions mentioned below. They present the solutions to the equations established during the theoretical part. To choose whether to account for stop-loss level or not choose the respective set of functions.


\(b^*\): - optimal level of liquidation:


Calculates the optimal liquidation portfolio level. (p.23)


(float) Optimal liquidation portfolio level.

\(d^*\) - optimal level of entry:


Calculates the optimal entry portfolio level. (p.27)


(float) Optimal entry portfolio level.

\(b_L^*\) - optimal level of liquidation, accounting for preferred stop-loss level:


Calculates the optimal liquidation portfolio level considering the stop-loss level. (p.31)


(float) Optimal liquidation portfolio level considering the stop-loss.

\([a_L^*,d_L^*]\) - optimal level of entry, accounting for preferred stop-loss level:


Calculates the optimal entry portfolio interval considering the stop-loss level. (p.35)


(tuple) Optimal entry portfolio interval considering the stop-loss.


General rule for the use of the optimal levels:

  • If not bought, buy the portfolio as soon as portfolio price reaches the optimal entry level (enters the interval).

  • If bought, liquidate the position as soon as portfolio price reaches the optimal liquidation level.

Step 3: (Optional) Plot the optimal levels on your data

Additionally you have the ability to plot your optimal levels onto your out-of-sample data. Similarly to the fit step you have a choice whether to use portfolio prices or an array of asset prices. In the case of the latter optimal coefficient found during the fit stage will be used to create a portfolio.



OrnsteinUhlenbeck.plot_levels(data, stop_loss=False)

Plots the found optimal exit and entry levels on the graph alongside with the given data.

  • data – (np.array/pd.DataFrame) Time series of portfolio prices / time series of of two assets prices of size (n x 2).

  • stop_loss – (bool) A flag whether to take stop-loss level into account. when showcasing the results.


(plt.Figure) Figure with optimal exit and entry levels.


To view al the model stats, including the optimal levels call the description function


Returns all the general parameters of the model, training interval timestamps if provided, the goodness of fit, allocated trading costs and discount rates, stop-loss level, beta, which stands for the optimal ratio between two assets in the created portfolio, and optimal levels calculated. If the stop-loss level was given optimal levels that account for stop-loss would be added to the list.


(pd.Series) Summary data for all model parameters and optimal levels.



As data we will use downloaded GLD and GDX tickers from Yahoo Finance.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import yfinance as yf

# Import data from Yahoo finance
data1 ="GLD GDX", start="2012-03-25", end="2016-01-09")
data2 ="GLD GDX", start="2016-02-21", end="2020-08-15")

# You can use the pd.DataFrame of two asset prices
data_train_dataframe = data1["Adj Close"][["GLD", "GDX"]]

# And also we can create training dataset as an array of two asset prices
data_train = np.array(data1["Adj Close"][["GLD", "GDX"]])

# Create an out-of-sample dataset
data_oos = data2["Adj Close"][["GLD", "GDX"]]

The following examples show how the described above module can be used on real data:

Example 1

In this example we are using pd.DataFrame as an input data for the model. We train our model on the whole provided sample and showcase our results on the separate out-of-sample dataset. We also include the stop-loss level in this example.

from arbitragelab.optimal_mean_reversion import OrnsteinUhlenbeck

# Create the class object
example = OrnsteinUhlenbeck()

# Fit the model to the training data and allocate data frequency,
# transaction costs, discount rates and stop-loss level

# Chosen data type can be pd.DataFrame, data_frequency="D", discount_rate=[0.05, 0.05],
            transaction_cost=[0.02, 0.02], stop_loss=0.2)

# Check the model fit

# Showcase the data for both variations of the problem on the out of sample data
fig = example.plot_levels(data_oos, stop_loss=True)

Example 2

In this example we are using pd.DataFrame as an input data for the model. We train our model on the slice of the provided data chosen based on provided time interval and showcase our results with description function. We include the stop-loss level in this example and change it manually along the way. In the end we chose to retrain our data on a different slice of the provided data chosen based on provided time interval.

from arbitragelab.optimal_mean_reversion import OrnsteinUhlenbeck

# Create the class object
example = OrnsteinUhlenbeck()

# Fit the model to the training data and allocate data frequency,
# transaction costs, discount rates and stop-loss level

# We can specify the interval we want to use for training, data_frequency="D", discount_rate=[0.05, 0.05],
            start="2012-03-27", end="2013-12-08",
            transaction_cost=[0.02, 0.02], stop_loss=0.2)

# Check the model fit

# Stop-loss level, transaction costs and discount rates
# can be changed along the way
example.L = 0.3

# Call the description function to see all the model's parameters and optimal levels
print("Model description:\n",example.description())

# Retrain the model

# By changing the training interval
example.fit_to_assets(start="2015-08-25", end="2016-12-09")

Example 3

In this example we are using np.array as an input data for the model. We train our model on the whole provided array and showcase our results on separate out-of-sample data. We don’t include the stop-loss level in this example. In the end we chose to retrain our data on an out-of-sample dataset.

from arbitragelab.optimal_mean_reversion import OrnsteinUhlenbeck

# Create the class object
example = OrnsteinUhlenbeck()

# Fit the model to the training data and allocate data frequency,
# transaction costs, discount rates and stop-loss level

# You can input the np.array as data, data_frequency="D", discount_rate=[0.05, 0.05],
            transaction_cost=[0.02, 0.02], stop_loss=0.2)

# Check the model fit

# Calculate the optimal liquidation level
b = example.optimal_entry_level()

# Calculate the optimal entry level
d = example.optimal_entry_level()

# Calculate the optimal liquidation level accounting for stop-loss
b_L = example.optimal_liquidation_level_stop_loss()

# Calculate the optimal entry interval accounting for stop-loss
d_L = example.optimal_entry_interval_stop_loss()

# Call the description function to see all the model's parameters and optimal levels
print("Model description:\n",example.description())

# Showcase the data for both variations of the problem on the out of sample data
fig = example.plot_levels(data_oos)

# Retrain the model

# By changing the input data

# Check the model fit

Example 4

In this example we are using np.array as an input data for the model. We train our model on the simulated OU process based on given parameters and showcase our results on the simulated OU process based on the parameters of the fitted model. Stop-loss level in this example isn’t included. We also calculate an additional OU-model parameter - half-life.

from arbitragelab.optimal_mean_reversion import OrnsteinUhlenbeck

# Create the class object
example = OrnsteinUhlenbeck()

# Setting the delta as if we are using the daily data
delta_t = 1/252

# Generate the mean-reverting data for the model input based on given parameters
ou_given = example.ou_model_simulation(n=400, theta_given=0.7, mu_given=12,
                                       sigma_given=0.1, delta_t_given=delta_t)

# Fit the model to the training data and allocate data frequency,
# transaction costs, discount rates and stop-loss level

# The parameters can be allocated in an alternative way, data_frequency="D", discount_rate=0.05,

# Check the model fit
print(example.check_fit(), "\n")

# Call the description function to see all the model's parameters and optimal levels
print("Model description:\n",example.description(),"\n")

# Generate the mean-reverting data for the testing data based on fitted
ou_fitted = example.ou_model_simulation(n=400)

# Showcase the found optimal levels on the generated test data
fig = example.plot_levels(ou_fitted)

# We can calculate the half-life of the OU model
h = example.half_life()

print("half-life: ",h)

Research Notebook

The following research notebook can be used to better understand the concepts of trading under the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Model.

Research Article


  1. Leung, T.S.T. and Li, X., 2015. Optimal mean reversion trading: Mathematical analysis and practical applications (Vol. 1). World Scientific.